Sunday, April 25, 2010

computer, we just can't be friends anymore

wonderful devices really, accept for when ya know, they kind of just don't work, then they kind of, really, extremely, royally suck
sorry redundance ain't pretty, but I prefer to drive my point home over just letting it sorta die.
Anyhow, being of the technology generation, computers have kinda always just been there and I never really stopped to think about how they're kind of a mriacle of technology. Well that is, accept for the crappy PC, it sort of just fails left, right and everywhere else in between (the middle?). Now I shouldn't really say this considering I've always been a PC user, but when I use apple computers i'm simply blown away! I use my grandmother's, aunt's and boyfriend's computers and i just think to myself "you'd think this would have set the standard or something......"
it's just it's so bug free and devoid of viruses, my goddamned PC has more hidden diseases than typhoid mary when she's been sleeping around. Although PC is far superior when it comes to gaming which is highly appreciated.

What's your view on the whole PC Vs. Mac thing readers? (AHAHAHAHA, like I have any, but I might as well try)

1 comment:

  1. i think i prefer macs, though i've had limited contact with pcs, they're dirty, so my choice is hardly educated.
    oh typhoid mary....
    how funny, andrew, your computer is unclean just like you. :P <3
