Tuesday, October 5, 2010


No, I do not mean the summer's smash hit by Enrique Iglesias (sp. ?)
THAT, I like. This trend, not so much.

I mean a bothersome trend that has popped up in my school, and possibly elsewhere.

The trend I speak of is the "I like it..." trend *shudder shudder*.
This is the trend of saying "I like it (insert prepositional phrase) (insert place)" in a status.

For example "I like it in sea caves!"

I noticed this trend a few days ago, and I had no idea what it had to with anything. I thought maybe it was an inside joke between a few friends. I then noticed that almost half of the girls I know had "I like it" statuses. I finally found out what it had to do with anything earlier today.

But first...
I call this a trend because it in no way achieves its purpose of "raising awareness" as the girls of my school (and others)claim it does.

What is it trying to raise awareness of you say?

Breast cancer.

Now you might ask "Andrew, why the hell would liking 'it' somewhere have anything to do with breast cancer?"

I would respond "Oh, it has to do with purses, you know, where you like to leave it!"

"What does that have to do with breast cancer?!" You might respond annoyedly.

My female friend explained to me that it was because people who started this believe that women should raise awareness for breast cancer, and women have purses. Women leave their purses places, so they should say that they "like it" wherever they leave their purse.

That makes sense right?
Yeah! Let's make a completely asinine joke that only the girls will understand, because men are icky and they can't get breast cancer! (My friend also explained to me that this is also the rationale behind this)

Here's the thing, men can get breast cancer too, and it is more fatal in men, albeit less common (I'm not comparing, merely stating a fact here).
If you want to actually raise awareness and fight breast cancer, don't make it a gender specific and ridiculous Facebook statement.

Send in some pink Yoplait tops.
Go on one of the many breast cancer walks and get some freaking pledges.
Volunteer at a center for cancer, and if possible one that helps specifically those with breast cancer.
just make a Facebook group for awareness for god sakes, and stop cluttering our news feeds!
That is if you actually really CARE about this cause, and aren't just buying in to some silly trend that does not really achieve its purpose.

I say this because when people talk of how ridiculous this trend is, some girls will defend it by saying "well we're raising awareness, so screw you"
I can safely say that half (or more of) the girls who have put up "Ilike it" statuses don't give a flying fart about the cause they are "supporting." There are tons of women who actually do care about the cause and have devoted large amounts of time and money to it; Girls, leave it to the women to fight the good fight.

So next time, girls, that you think about putting up your bra color (oh, don't think I wouldn't reference that either, girls) or where you "like it" on Facebook, please, dear god PLEASE, do not. Well, that is unless you plan to get up off of Facebook and go sign up for a pink ribbon walk, or at least go buy an "I <3 boobies" wristband.

Endnote: I have no real animosity towards girls who participate in this ridiculous trend, I have plenty of friends who have put up an "I like it" status whom I still love dearly. I merely do not like this trend thought it an interesting topic to discuss. I'm sorry if I offended someone who does actually support this cause, and I commend you for your service to fight breast cancer.

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