Thursday, April 29, 2010

Preparation and waiting

Many people say "it's the wait that makes it all the more fun!"
I thoroughly believe in this
with some crucial exceptions
tests (school, etc.)
dentists appointments
meeting with "friends" (and by "friends" I mean the people you are nice to and like you, but you kind of just tolerate them. I know it's awful, and I won't deny it, but you ALL know you've got people like that in your life)
but yeah, for these wonderful events, we dread instead of anticapate, or at least in my experience
funny how that works
i guess for tests it is because you must prepare, which is stressful, and then there's stressing about the test which is no fun either.
dentists, well, that doesn't need much explanation, now does it?
and that third one, well yeah, i guess ditto for that

Oh before i go, i thought of something i could do on a weekly basis for a while, i have a book i've been writing for ages, its not finished yet, but i feel like if i got some input and some actual readers it could motivate me to forge ahead. Would anyone be interested in that?
Comments are extra appreciated for this one.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blogs and narcissism, synonymous?

As I have greatly increased my number of posts in a span of time, I keep having a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that maybe it's all a little too "ME ME ME". So I wonder to myself "Is having a daily blog kind of narcissistic? Or is it just me? Or is the nature of a blog and speaking from the first just make you feel a little self centered? or am I just looking WAY too much into this simple thing?"

If someone is actually reading this, I'd really like your input.

Another question for the readers(haha, readers, funny), since I am actually doing this blog daily, should I have something i do with it on a day to day basis? Maybe a little quirk to give this blog a little more character than just me speaking to the great nowhere of the internet?
At first thought maybe the definition of random words, but I soon realized that's a little bland.

Well, that's all folks!
(I can haz comments plz?)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love and Insanity

aaaaah Love, sweet Love (not sure if I'm being sarcastic here). I must admit, up until October of this year, it was only a fantasy to me, and I firmly believed it would stay that way for a long while. But alas it found me. I say that love found me because it presented itself to me in a place I did not expect. But, enough about me I'll speak more generally about this mushy gushy topic.

Spring has sprung and yes, Love is in the air.

Now some would swoon and croon at this thought, and most of us who live in the real world would retch and point and fun. Let's face it, Love is pretty hard to grasp unless you yourself are in Love with someone who's in Love with you and you have a funstioning relationship. I don't want to sound like a 'Love snob' here, but it's my firm opinion, from my experience, that you can't really have a grasp on what Love is like until Love finds you.

And no I do NOT mean something along the lines of "Oh yeah, they are so cute, I am TOTALLY in Love!"

What I mean is someone comes and charms you themselves or you charm someone else, and you/they accept fully and wholeheartedly.

You may be saying, "OH! That's me! Pick me!" But my friend this is not the end! The story foes on and on! More importantly after the initial three months of wooing the REAL relationship starts. The relationship that works, but is very clearly perfect.

You might say "but if we're in love, it should be perfect.....right?"
In my opinion (I know, I know, me me me, but I promise it's with the best intentions), wrong, very very wrong. It is my firm belief that the more you love someone, the more you absolutely want to behead them. Mind you, you also want to make out with them and send them flowers just as much, hopefully more.

But the ugly truth is that with Love we also receive wonderful amounts of worrying for the person we hold so dear. Herein lies the reason for wanting to behead our signifigant other, because you love and care for them so much, you worry for them, and they in turn drive you insane.

Now, before you go forsake Cupid and give him a black eye, remember, I am in no way an authority on Love in any way, shape, or form. I'm simply providing a perspective on it. Making it real so to speak, and taking it down from cloud 9 to be here with us earth dwellers.

Monday, April 26, 2010 word, WOAH

I have recently started listening to some Madonna, and may I just say, this woman is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. Her songs are so goddamned catchy!
And not to mention that once you look past the sex that drips from quite a lot of her songs (not that that's a bad thing), they have really great messages.
Just for an example as I'm listening to 'Give it 2 Me' and 'Vogue' I'm seeing a clear motif of self confidence, beauty in everything, and lust for life. All of which are wonderful things to enstill into one's listeners. Her songs are so empowering and inspriring, I can't believe I didn't listen to her sooner. Not to mention, 'Give it 2 Me' is a great pump up song.
For those of you who are Gleeks out there, yes this post WAS inspired by 'The Power of Madonna' but also just my personal interest in music, and suggestions from my boyfriend.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

computer, we just can't be friends anymore

wonderful devices really, accept for when ya know, they kind of just don't work, then they kind of, really, extremely, royally suck
sorry redundance ain't pretty, but I prefer to drive my point home over just letting it sorta die.
Anyhow, being of the technology generation, computers have kinda always just been there and I never really stopped to think about how they're kind of a mriacle of technology. Well that is, accept for the crappy PC, it sort of just fails left, right and everywhere else in between (the middle?). Now I shouldn't really say this considering I've always been a PC user, but when I use apple computers i'm simply blown away! I use my grandmother's, aunt's and boyfriend's computers and i just think to myself "you'd think this would have set the standard or something......"
it's just it's so bug free and devoid of viruses, my goddamned PC has more hidden diseases than typhoid mary when she's been sleeping around. Although PC is far superior when it comes to gaming which is highly appreciated.

What's your view on the whole PC Vs. Mac thing readers? (AHAHAHAHA, like I have any, but I might as well try)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

consistency....haha yeah, no

So, i have quite forgotten about this blog, again.....oi vey. In my defense I'm quite busy, but that's still no excuse. After all I have always loved writing, which conveniently leads me to a little story involving, what do you know, consistency!

This is the story of a passionate little 8th grader (me) who started a most interesting story that he wanted to eventually make into a book. He was quite sure that he could do it because he was quite sure he was determined enough to be able to make a book happen. Little did he know he would lose interest after a week.

The 8th grader is older now and he is currently working on said story, but he still can't get himself on a consistent schedule of writing for the goddamned story. The aged 8th grader is kicking himself in the pants as well because if he had been consistent he very well may have already had his story finished by now, instead of writing in his illustrious blog sporratically.