Sunday, May 23, 2010

How A Dream Can Screw Up Most of Your Day

"Oh wow this is a really nice thing that's happening, I am kissing someone I really like, good thing it's real, considering I smell, feel, hear, see and taste everything like I should in real life..."

Wakes up in bed


This has happened to me multiple times in my life, but I most definitely had my worst yesterday. I dreamt I was kissing someone who I quite like, but it is quite clear that it's not actually going to happen. I went to bed on Friday night believing I had stamped out my silly little crush on this person, but then what do you know, they pop up in my dreams!

Great, right?

haha yeah, no.

So this leaves me oh so very disgruntled for the rest of most of my Saturday. Also extremely confused was I, for my silly little brain just loves to taunt me.

Has this ever happened to any of you?

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