Monday, May 3, 2010


We all know they mean well, but why do they have to drive us SO insane?
Just for example, I was just working away at homework and then studying for my AP. The first thing my mother says as she leaves is "you should do some AP review".
I very much felt an incredible urge to yell, "ARE YOU BLIND WOMAN?! WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DOING??"
but I refrained myself for four reasons:
1. I am currently reading a book that discourages such reactive behavior and encourages self control
2. Respect for my mother
3. I am trying to be less surly with my parents
4. I was getting up to go post on this blog....

but still, parents have quite a maddening effect on us all, teenaged, or adult.

For example I see it all the time with my mother and MY grandmother, and my ma is not afraid to express how she feels about that. I'm not going to mention such complaints out of respect for both, but it raises a question to me, if my mother is just as peeved by her own as I can be with her, why does she not keep this from happening with me and her?

I'm qutie sure I'm getting a little worked up here, but oh well.

I'll leave you with a question and an answer.

What's your biggest pet peeve with your parents?
Mine is them telling me to do things when I have already done them, or AS I'm doing them.

1 comment:

  1. How my mom ALWAYS has to know EVERYTHING that's going on in my life. I have absolutely no privacy. And she knows all of my email and FB passwords. FML.
